AhealthyU Farmers Market
QUAD RDW Eric Friedheim Quadrangle Roadway4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Visit the AhealthyU farmers market on main campus from 11-2 every Wednesday throughout the Fall semester. Purchase goods such as baked goods, meats, and ready-to-eat Ethiopian styled dishes.
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
AhealthyU Farmers Market
QUAD 1 Eric Friedheim Quadrangle Section 14400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Visit the AhealthyU farmers market on main campus from 11-2 every Wednesday throughout the Fall semester. Purchase goods such as baked goods, meats, and ready-to-eat Ethiopian styled dishes.
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
Understanding Series -- Understanding Minoritized Identities
MGC 307 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Join us for a panel discussion around understanding identities.
- Host
- AVP for Student Engagement and Success
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
"Kendrick Lamar: The Sound of Social Change, The Power of Storytelling"
MGC 305-306 Combo Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Joip dsafsrnam vmmelsivo iotcnsnm fa tc peitertnd ahs eone ftl"mEsBcUa"ddlar"cA Df K,nhricl "aeai. Wg oi lzelpno elhwwsLnmprcstsao yseilini cd rvstea ernt cnl sncias csiu se iuglhsucrmTu.igya cns rnspires change. Through guided discussions and interactive activities, participants will analyze songs like "Alright," "DNA," and "HUMBLE." to understand the impact of music on social movements and …more
- Host
- Center for Community Engagement and Service
- Type
- Workshops and Seminars
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- Event Page
17³Ô¹ÏÔÚÏßCatholic Alpha Course
BTLR 600 Butler Boardroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
17³Ô¹ÏÔÚÏßCatholic puts on the Alpha course every Wednesday to introduce students to the crux of the Christian faith.
- Host
- Catholic Chaplaincy at Kay
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
AHS Roundtable Discussion on US-China Relations
SIS 300 Mueller Family Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
AHS is holding a discussion roundtable for AHS members and non-members interested in discussing US-China relations. If you're interested in US grand strategy, trade, US policy towards China, Taiwan, the South China Sea, or any subject related to US-China relations stop by and attend! You will get to speak and listen to fellow students on relevant foreign policy issues!
- Host
- The Alexander Hamilton Society, 17³Ô¹ÏÔÚÏß Chapter
- Type
- (none)
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- Event Page
PRSSA General Body Meeting
McKinley Classroom 1014400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
We are hosting all students interested in our chapter for a general body meeting. We will go over our upcoming events and opportunities to get involved with our organization.
- Host
- Public Relations Student Society of America
- Type
- Social and Networking Events
- More Info
- Event Page