You are here: 17吃瓜在线 Profiles Staff Amanda Harrison

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Photograph of Amanda Harrison

Amanda Harrison Assistant Director, Honors & Scholars Program UEAS | University Honors

BA, Interdisciplinary Studies, Regis University; MA, Modern European History, 17吃瓜在线

Amanda Harrison has been a member of the 17吃瓜在线 community since 2005, when she began her graduate studies in European history. From 2010-2017, she worked at the Academic Support and Access Center, supporting students with disabilities and is a passionate supporter of Universal Design. Amanda continues to work with 17吃瓜在线 students as the Manager of Undergraduate Scholars programs, fostering intellectual curiosity and the development of research skills in undergraduate students.


Fall 2024

  • IDIS-101 DC Comm Impact Scholars Lab I

  • IDIS-194 Comm Service Learning Project: DC Comm Impact Scholars Lab I

Spring 2025

  • IDIS-201 DC Comm Impact Scholar Lab II